Sarah’s Story

Sarah’s Story

My name is Sarah Thorpe and I’m a creative strategist at IDW. When the opportunity came up to join a co-working space or think about like how co-working space or think about like how do I fulfill this desire to be part of a community. Obviously co-working came up as something I wanted to try. Sometimes the “working-at-home” part can be too much of a blessing, and it’s beautiful to have a structure; whether it’s like a physical space to be like I walk in this door and I know I’m at work. I think having the co-working space, having The Factory was really helpful to me to kind of in a way organize my life a bit better. Just like there’s these little human contact points that are really validating as a social being, like I think it’s it’s hard to um quantify, but these little things make you feel but these little things make you feel like oh yeah I’m part of this i belong like oh yeah, I’m part of this I belong. Like there’s just something you know, like there’s just something you know that’s nice about that.

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